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3/8/03 session 4

Scholarship for the Community:
Musical Advocacy in the Dominican Republic and the United States

The Role of Applied Ethnomusicology in Sustaining and Creating Identity
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Abstract: The applied ethnomusicologist serves as a culture broker to facilitate the presentation of group identity through the traditional performing arts, for either cultural insiders or outsiders. The applied ethnomusicologist thus facilitates communication through music across lines of age, class, rural/urban locale, and ethnic or other social groups. I present examples from my applied work in the Dominican Republic and with Dominican expatriates, Canary Islanders, and African Americans.

Paul Austerlitz The Line between Participant-Observation and Applied Ethnomusicology
Video link

Abstract: Participating as a performer of merengue and jazz is central to my methodology as an ethnomusicologist. Evidence suggests that this approach has furthered the interests of Dominican musical communities: colleagues inform me that my participation as a musician in the Dominican Republic has provided a service to the local community by legitimizing otherwise marginalized genres, while my membership in the musicians’ world has made musicans’ modes of discourse available to academia.